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by Yash Chavan

由Yash Chavan

学习新事物时要牢记的科学支持方法 (Science-backed methods to keep in mind when you’re learning new things)

As a curious person, I constantly find myself reading and learning about new things. So I picked up this book to enhance and elevate my learning process. This blog post is my take on the ten most important things I think that learners should implement.

作为一个好奇的人,我不断发现自己正在阅读和学习新事物。 因此,我采摘了以增强和提升我的学习过程。 这篇博客文章是我认为学习者应该实施的十个最重要的事情。

1.刚开始,打破最初的障碍。 (1. Just start, break the initial barrier.)

Every task has a certain Activation Energy (AE). Say you want to practice playing the guitar. You have to get up, dust the old guitar, tune it, pick the plectrum up, and start strumming. All these make up the AE of the task of playing a guitar.

每个任务都有一定的激活能量 ( AE )。 假设您想练习弹吉他。 您必须起床,将旧吉他除尘,将其调音,拾起琴拨,然后开始弹奏。 所有这些构成了AE 弹吉他的任务。

The higher the AE of something, the less likely are you to start doing the task. Take steps to reduce the AE of a new habit you want to start. Place the tuned guitar in your living room so you have it handy.

某事物的AE越高,您开始执行该任务的可能性就越小。 采取措施来减少你要开始一个新的习惯的AE。 将调好的吉他放在您的客厅里,这样您就可以方便使用。

Want to start exercising every morning? Have your shoes and weights ready the previous night. Wanna read more? Keep a book at your desk. Reach for the book when you feel like checking your phone. Once you reduce the AE of new habits you want to form, it is easier to get started.

想每天早上开始锻炼吗? 前一天晚上准备好鞋子和重量。 想阅读更多吗? 在书桌前放一本书。 当您想要检查手机时,可以拿到本书。 一旦降低AE 要养成的新习惯,上手就容易些。

Getting started is all that counts, as most people don’t start ; )

入门是至关重要的,因为大多数人都不是入门。 )

2.练习分块 (2. Practice chunking)

Ever been writing an exam and you kinda know the answer? You know the bits and pieces of what forms the answer, but you cannot put it all together?

曾经写过考试,你也知道 回答? 您知道答案的点点滴滴,但您不能将所有内容放在一起吗?

This is an example of learning without chunking effectively. A memory chunk is a solid connection in your mind that relates various bits and pieces of information. A chunk is a series of thoughts that follows you directly as you starting thinking about the fundamental concepts.

这是没有有效分块的学习示例。 内存在您的脑海中是牢固的联系,它联系着各种信息。 当您开始思考基本概念时,大块是一系列直接跟随您的想法。

如何分块 (How to chunk)

Focus on the concept you want to form a chunk of, think about it, and make sure you eliminate all distractions while doing this. Next up, write down the basic ideas of what the concept is all about. Usually it boils down to having a strong understanding of the simplest concepts. Build up from these fundamentals to, finally, create a chunk!

关注您想组成的概念,进行思考,并确保在执行此操作时消除所有干扰。 接下来,写下有关该概念的所有基本思想。 通常可以归结为对最简单的概念有深刻的理解。 从这些基础上逐步建立起来,最后创造出一块!

3.学习,练习,回忆—重复 (3. Learn, Practice, Recall — Repeat)

Just forming chunks is not sufficient. You have to maintain them. The more you look after the chunks, the longer they last.

仅形成块是不够的。 您必须维护它们。 您对块的照顾越多,持续的时间就越长。

Especially when it comes to subjects like mathematics and the sciences, you cannot leave it at the first read. In order to absorb the material well, you need to review the material and practice the problems on your own. Of course, all this might be boring, but it’s worth the trouble.

特别是在涉及数学和科学等主题时,您不能一读就把它留在原地。 为了很好地吸收材料,您需要查看材料并自行解决问题。 当然,所有这些都可能很无聊,但这是值得的。

While you are reviewing the material, don’t passively read it. Make sure you recall. The act of retrieval via recall enhances deep understanding of the subject. A good place to start recalling what you learnt might be anywhere except where you studied it. This helps you strengthen the grasp of the material as you recall it from a different perspective. Learning in the library and recalling at home would be an example use case of this technique.

在查看材料时,请不要被动阅读。 确保记得 通过回忆进行检索的行为增强了对该主题的深刻理解。 一个开始回忆您学到的东西的好地方可能在您学习过的地方之外的任何地方。 当您从不同的角度回忆材料时,这可以帮助您加强对材料的掌握。 在图书馆学习和在家回忆是该技术的一个用例。

4.放轻松 (4. Take it easy)

You almost have it. The clock says 2 am. Three cups of coffee down. You’ve devoted the past 4 hours on solving this very problem. This one breakthrough has the potential to get you an “A” on the assignment, resolve a major roadblock in your research, or make you millions. So you stick to it, waiting for the “aha!” moment.

您几乎拥有它。 时钟是凌晨2点。 三杯咖啡。 您花了过去4个小时来解决这个问题 很麻烦 这一突破有可能使您在作业中获得“ A”,解决您研究中的主要障碍,或者使您成为百万富翁。 所以你坚持下去,等待“啊哈!” 时刻。

It is morning now. 7 am. There was no breakthrough, you didn’t sleep at night. Now you’re groggy and spend the rest of today cursing yourself for how terrible you are at what you do. Major mistake!

现在是早晨。 早上7点。 没有突破,你晚上没有睡觉。 现在您头昏眼花,今天剩下的时间都在诅咒自己,因为自己对所做的事情感到多么糟糕。 重大错误!

Whenever you face a problem, this is a roadblock in whatever you are trying to solve. Pause. Take a break. Sleep. Clean your room. Do anything except work on the problem. This takes your brain into its “diffuse mode” — this mode works on the things you have been focusing on in the background. Come back to the problem later.

每当您遇到问题时,这都是您要解决的障碍。 暂停。 休息一下。 睡觉。 收拾你的房间。 除了解决问题外,请执行任何其他操作 。 这将使您的大脑进入“扩散模式”-此模式适用于您一直在后台关注的事物。 稍后再解决问题。

Have you ever been working on something you couldn’t figure out, then slept and “dreamt about it”? This is your diffuse mode at work. So take it easy, take a nap, and you’ll have some direction on what you’re trying to solve. And you never know, it might as well get you an “A” on the assignment, resolve a major research roadblock, or make you a million dollars!

您是否曾经从事过无法解决的事情,然后睡着了并且“幻想着”? 这是您工作中的漫反射模式。 因此,轻松一点,小睡一下,您将对要解决的问题有一些指示。 而且,您永远都不会知道,这可能会让您在任务上获得“ A”,解决主要的研究障碍,或者使您获得一百万美元!

5.了解你的拖延并消除它 (5. Understand your procrastination and kill it)

Whom would you call a procrastinator? A procrastinator is a person who has a habit of getting distracted by things and temporary pleasures (beep! bloop!, ding-ding!). These do not contribute to the task that must be done at this very moment.

你会叫谁拖拖拉拉? 拖延症患者是有习惯的人 会因事物和暂时的乐趣而分心( 哔哔声!bloop!,ding-ding! )。 这些没有帮助此时此刻必须完成的任务。

Did you catch the magic word there? Habit. Procrastination is a bad habit. Just like any other bad habit, the habit of procrastination can be changed for the better.

你在那儿抓住了魔语吗? 习惯 。 拖延是一个坏习惯。 就像其他不良习惯一样,拖延习惯可以改变为更好。

Habits consist of 4 key factors:


  1. cue

  2. routine

  3. reward

  4. belief


The cue can be your phone buzzing with notifications. Your routine is to reach out to the phone and check it. The reward is the temporary dopamine spike that you get after seeing four new likes on your Instagram post. The belief is that the distracting habit makes you happy, and so you can never change this habit. Habits have power over you because of your belief in them. If you change your belief, you can change your habits!

提示可能是您的手机嗡嗡作响的通知。 您的日常工作是与手机联系并进行检查。 奖励是您在Instagram帖子上看到四个新的赞之后获得的临时多巴胺峰值。 信念是,分心的习惯会使您快乐,因此您永远无法改变这种习惯。 习惯对您有影响力,因为您对它们有信心。 如果您改变信仰,就可以改变习惯!

The number one thing you can do to not procrastinate is to eliminate distractions. Don’t keep your phone near you when you work. Block all entertainment websites during your scheduled work time.

您不能拖延的第一件事就是消除干扰 。 工作时,请勿将手机靠近您。 在您计划的工作时间内屏蔽所有娱乐网站。

Another key to reduce procrastination is the Cue-Routine transition behaviour. Actively notice what you do in response to certain distracting cues. BING! Wanna check that phone desperately? Don’t. Resist the urge to reach out to it. Be mentally strong enough to focus intently on the work at hand. Your future self will thank you.

减少拖延的另一个关键是Cue-Routine过渡行为。 积极注意您对某些分散注意力线索的React。 ING! 要拼命检查那部手机吗? 别。 抵制接触它的冲动。 要有足够的精神力量,专心于手头的工作。 您未来的自我会感谢您。

6.设置任务的结束时间 (6. Set an ending time for tasks)

You wake up. Check your to-do list, and make a mental note of what you have to do for the day. You start working on time (great!) but, at the end of the day, some items are left undone. Off to postponing tasks to tomorrow.

你醒了 检查您的待办事项清单,并记下当天的工作。 您开始按时工作(很棒!),但是到了一天结束时,有些项目被遗忘了。 推迟将任务推迟到明天。

Parkinson’s second law:


Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.

Presuming that you have a realistic to-do list, this is what is preventing you from completing the tasks on your list. Once you start getting something done, your brain starts thinking that it deserves something. A reward, one episode, one look at the meme your friend tagged you in. And you are back into the procrastination spiral.

假设您有一个现实的待办事项清单,这是导致您无法完成清单中任务的原因。 一旦您开始完成某项工作,您的大脑就会开始认为它应有的事情。 奖励,一集,一看您的朋友标记您的模因。您又回到了拖延症。

One way to tackle this is to set an ending time to tasks. You know, you do most of your work right before the deadline. Setting a micro deadline for daily tasks holds your brain accountable to the tick of the clock. Most people set a starting time for tasks and drop into procrastination loops. Setting an end time would help you do stuff on time.

解决此问题的一种方法是设置任务的结束时间。 您知道,您将在截止日期之前完成大部分工作。 为日常任务设定一个微小的截止日期,这会使您的大脑对时钟信号负责。 大多数人为任务设定开始时间,并陷入拖延循环。 设置结束时间将有助于您准时完成工作。

7.使用视觉和空间记忆 (7. Use visual and spatial memories)

This one is about memorization and recall. The #1 thing you need to do to correctly memorize concepts is understand them. To successfully understand something, visualizing it is key. Feel it.

这是关于记忆和回忆的内容。 要正确记住概念,要做的第一件事就是理解它们。 要成功理解某件事,对其进行可视化是关键。 快点

Want to memorize the physical equation for work? W = F*d. Don’t think of it as it is, in terms of the letters F and d. Visualize instead. Picture yourself pushing a cart, what are you doing? You are applying force to the cart and the cart is moving ahead by some distance. The work you do is proportional to the Force you apply (F) and the distance you move the cart for (displacement, d). F*d. Done.

是否想记住工作的物理方程式? W = F * d。 不要以字母Fd来原样考虑它。 可视化。 想像一下自己在推手推车,您在做什么? 您对推车施加了力,并且推车向前移动了一段距离。 您所做的功与您施加的力( F )和推车移动的距离(位移d )成正比。 F * d 做完了

As a kid, you might have been asked to do “actions” while you were reciting poetry. I found that weird. Weirdness aside, there’s a reason for that. Certain places and actions help us remember things. We associate events with actions and places. You can use actions or things to remember equations as well!

小时候,您可能被要求在朗诵诗歌时做“动作”。 我觉得很奇怪。 除了怪异,这是有原因的。 某些地方和行为可以帮助我们记住事情。 我们将事件与行动和地点相关联。 您也可以使用动作或事物来记住方程式!

We have evolved as a visual and spatial species. We had to hunt and kill for a living. We needed spatial skills to understand how you should shoot the arrow, throw the spear. We had to visually remember how the poisonous plant looked. This is how we evolved, so take advantage of your primal traits.

我们已经发展成为视觉和空间物种。 我们不得不打猎和谋生。 我们需要空间技巧来理解如何射击箭,投掷矛。 我们必须从视觉上记住有毒植物的外观。 这就是我们的演变方式,因此请充分利用您的原始特质。

8.使用隐喻和故事 (8. Use metaphors and stories)

Metaphors give you a tracing paper for the pattern you want to draw. Sure, you can draw the pattern yourself, but having the tracing paper is useful. *Boom*, I just used a metaphor to explain why you should use metaphors. Hit some claps for that.

隐喻为您要绘制的图案提供了描图纸。 当然,您可以自己绘制图案,但是使用描图纸是很有用的。 * Boom * 我只是用一个隐喻来解释为什么要使用隐喻。 为此鼓掌。

Metaphors will help you understand and recall more easily. You take something obvious from your memory, and see how it is related to the new concept you are trying to learn. You are tracing over the preexisting neural pathways to create a stronger, more relatable view of the new concept.

隐喻将帮助您更轻松地理解和回忆。 您从记忆中拿出了一些显而易见的东西,并看了它与您尝试学习的新概念之间的关系。 您正在追踪 超越现有的神经通路,以创建一个更强大,更相关的新概念视图。

Want to understand how current flows around in a circuit? Think of a water pump. The pressure is the voltage. The difference in pressure causes the water to move — the difference in voltage causes electrons to move. The pump itself is like the battery, it generates the pressure aka voltage. The flow of water is the current.

是否想了解电流如何在电路中流动? 想一想水泵。 压力就是电压。 压力差导致水移动-电压差导致电子移动。 泵本身就像电池一样,它会产生压力即电压。 水是水流。

When you think of concepts in this manner, they are etched in your memory in a much better way than if you take them at face value.


9.了解你想要什么 (9. Learn what you want)

Learning should always be self-motivated, otherwise it isn’t real learning. If you live in a country like India, there is a high probability that whatever you are studying now in school or college was forced onto you. What schools fail to understand is that learning does not happen by sheer force and fear of failing. Learning should be learner-centered.

学习应该始终是自我激励的,否则就不是真正的学习。 如果您生活在印度这样的国家/地区,那么您现在在学校或大学里学习的任何东西都极有可能被强加给您。 学校无法理解的是,学习不是靠绝对的力量和对失败的恐惧而发生的。 学习应以学习者为中心。

大学不是唯一的学习方法(在合理范围内) (College is not the only way to learn (within reason))

If you are stuck in unimportant courses you do not like, don’t focus on them. Start learning what you want, since that is what actually matters — that is what you must care about. People learn when they are self-motivated, not when someone comes in front of them for four hours a week, and tells something to them. Mathematics, art, and science are not observer games. You have to do.

如果您不喜欢不重要的课程,请不要专注于它们。 开始学习您想要的东西,因为那才是真正重要的,那是您必须关心的。 人们会在有自我激励能力时学习,而不是一个星期有四个小时有人在他们面前说话,然后告诉他们一些事情。 数学,艺术和科学不是观察者游戏。 你必须

“I think the big mistake in schools is trying to teach children anything, and by using fear as the basic motivation. Fear of getting failing grades, fear of not staying with your class, etc. Interest can produce learning on a scale compared to fear as a nuclear explosion to a firecracker.” Stanley Kubrick
“我认为学校的最大错误是试图通过以恐惧为基本动机来教给孩子任何东西。 害怕成绩不及格,害怕不上课等等。与恐惧一样,与鞭炮的核爆炸相比,兴趣可以产生规模的学习。” 斯坦利·库布里克(Stanley Kubrick)

Self drive yourself — even cars do that. Learn what you want. You learn the best when you learn on your own.

自我驾驶,即使汽车也能做到。 了解您想要什么。 当您自己学习时,您将学到最好的知识。

10.技能交汇 (10. Intersection of skills)

Transfer learning (yes, machine learning pun intended) is the ability to take what you learn in one domain and apply it to a new skill. If you already know how to play a musical instrument, learning a new one would be easy for you.

转移学习(是的,机器学习双关语意指)是一种能力,可以将您所学的知识应用于一个领域并将其应用于一项新技能。 如果您已经知道如何弹奏乐器,那么学习新乐器将很容易。

Learn in an abstract manner. When you learn something in order to apply it to an application, you are restricted to that domain. Learn the abstract concept first. This is one of the reasons why I took a linear algebra course before I jumped to machine learning. Engineering and business-related studies naturally gravitate toward a more application specific approach. This tends to restrict you.

以抽象的方式学习。 当您学习某些东西以将其应用于应用程序时,您将被限制在该域中。 首先学习抽象概念。 这就是为什么我跳到机器学习之前就选择线性代数课程的原因之一。 与工程和业务相关的研究自然会倾向于一种针对特定应用的方法。 这往往会限制您。

Learn to apply old skills to new skills and vice versa. Santiago Ramón y Cajal was a Spanish neuroscientist who had a hobby of painting. Once he was done observing cells in his lab, he would draw them! This helped him understand them better. Cajal is called the “Father of Neuroscience”. If he did it, you should too.

学习将旧技能应用到新技能,反之亦然。 SantiagoRamóny Cajal是一位西班牙神经科学家,他爱好绘画。 一旦他完成了在实验室中观察细胞的工作,便会绘制它们! 这有助于他更好地了解他们。 卡哈尔被称为“神经科学之父”。 如果他做到了,你也应该这样做。

Once you transfer your learning, neural pathways associated with both concepts become stronger and improve your understanding of each.


奖金! (BONUS!)

If you’ve made it this far through the blog, I love you. Here’s another tip:

如果您已经通过博客做到了这一点,那么我爱您。 这是另一个提示:

11.睡觉! (这个非常重要) (11. Sleep! (This is VERY important))

You have a test tomorrow morning at 9 am. You decide to stay up till 3 am to study for it. You cannot miss getting two points less than your overly competitive friend. So you make coffee, and you’re hustling all night for the test.

您明天早上9点有考试。 您决定熬夜到凌晨3点进行学习。 您不会错过比您竞争激烈的朋友少两分的机会。 因此,您煮咖啡,整夜忙于测试。

Fast forward two days, results are out. You scored no better than last time despite pulling an all-nighter. What went wrong, you ask?

快进两天,结果出来了。 尽管抽了一个通宵,你的得分没有比上次更好。 你怎么了?

The very fact that you stayed up all night is what went wrong. What you did was cram, you did not understand. There was no chunking, all your brain saw was words and numbers that did not make sense to it.

你整夜熬夜的事实是出了问题。 你做的是补习班,你不明白。 没有分块 ,您的大脑只看到没有意义的单词和数字。

Lack of sleep affects memory and recall. Your brain is a muscle. If you run a marathon, your legs need rest. Your brain runs a marathon every single day. It needs a minimum of 7–8 hours of “rest”. Prepare for tests early on, do not save it for the night before.

睡眠不足会影响记忆力和记忆力。 你的大脑是一块肌肉。 如果您参加马拉松比赛,您的腿需要休息。 您的大脑每天都在跑马拉松。 它至少需要7到8个小时的“休息”时间。 尽早准备测试,请勿在前一天晚上保存。

If you are the kind of person who is passionate about the stuff you do, it is tempting to stay up late to complete the tasks you love. But you must sleep. Sleep helps your brain get into the diffuse mode and thus gets creative ideas about your ongoing projects cooking. A good sleep improves your focus, and helps you better understand what you learnt throughout the day.

如果您是那种对所做的事情充满热情的人,那么很容易熬夜来完成自己喜欢的任务。 但是你必须睡觉 。 睡眠可以帮助您的大脑进入分散模式,从而获得有关正在进行的项目烹饪的创意。 良好的睡眠可以改善您的注意力,并帮助您更好地了解全天所学。

REM sleep can help you improve your declarative memory — memory based on complex factual information. Thus, getting good sleep is especially useful for students who have to deal with facts and figures.

REM睡眠可以帮助您改善声明式记忆-基于复杂事实信息的记忆。 因此,对必须处理事实和数据的学生来说,良好的睡眠特别有用。

So sleep! It is not a waste of time. It affects you more than you think it does.

睡吧 这不是浪费时间。 它对您的影响比您想象的要大。

Thanks for reading! I hope this helped you. Leave some of them claps if you liked it! Do you have your own tricks that you use? Leave them in the comments below :)

谢谢阅读! 希望对您有所帮助。 如果喜欢,请留下一些鼓掌! 您有自己的花样吗? 将它们留在下面的评论中:)

I write about Life, Work, Machine Learning, and almost anything I find interesting on Medium. Follow me if you’re into this.

我写有关生活,工作,机器学习的文章,以及我在Medium上发现的几乎所有有趣的文章。 如果您对此感兴趣,请关注我。

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Crush the next semester!





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